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We are touring 1/23 and 2/13 @ 10am. CLICK HERE TO RSVP. Spring Semester starts 2/3


Christine Anderson To All Instructors

Chris Anderson is a veteran homeschool mom of five and grandma to seven. She has been happily married to her husband Steve for 38 years now. She has many years of experience teaching children of all ages together in one setting.

As a tactile learner, she has always been one who thrives when creating and using her own hands. In high school Chris began taking ceramics classes and found it helped her to focus and slow down. She  continued in college and found glassblowing to be another creative outlet that brought her much joy.

Homeschooling took a front seat to her  Art and she found that teaching became a way of using her gifts in another way. Chris believes we are all creative because we are made in God’s image. Finding ways to express this will ultimately give us purpose and confidence in whatever we do. She believe that all children are naturally creative, and working with their hands and actively problem solving helps them grow and feel successful. Art is one avenue to accomplish this and helps give them balance.

There is structure in Art just as there is structure in Music, Math and English. Chris aims to teach the basics for learning the art of ceramics so that her students will have confidence that whatever idea they want to create, they can achieve it. Learning the basics allows creativity to flow freely without restraint. Chris is so excited to be part of Legacy and is looking forward to “playing” with clay and creating masterpieces together with your kids.

Current Classes
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - F24 M1 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - F24 M2 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - F24 M3 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - F24 M4 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove K-3 - F24 M5 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - F24 T1 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - F24 T2 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - F24 T3 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - F24 T4 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove K-3 - F24 T5 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - S25 M1 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - S25 M2 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - S25 M3 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - S25 M4 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove K-3 - S25 M5 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - S25 T1 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - S25 T2 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - S25 T3 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove - S25 T4 – (open)
Ceramics with Harmony Grove K-3 - S25 T5 – (open)